Due to most commercial dog food diets, today containing a significant amount of carbohydrates, dental hygiene for dogs has never been more important. A buildup of food on the teeth leads to plaque, which turns into tartar. Once periodontal disease has set in, bacteria can enter the bloodstream from the gums and lead to more serious conditions of the kidneys, lungs, or heart.
While there is simply no substitute for frequent brushing and vet cleanings, there are dental chew products that when used daily can help remove plaque and tarter. The following 5 types of dental chews, however, carry another risk that we believe should be avoided:
1. Rawhide: Surprisingly, rawhide sprayed with enzymes is still one of the most popular dental chews. Veterinarians have been warning for quite some time about the dangers of rawhide, including the fact that they are likely to be gulped intact, causing intestinal blockages. They are also high in calories and can contribute to pet obesity.
2. Antlers & Hooves: While these products provide great chewing action, their hard surfaces can easily cause a chipped tooth. The cost and pain associated with a chipped tooth simply aren’t worth it when there are better alternatives.
3. Cooked Bones: While most veterinarians recognize raw bones as a great way to keep teeth and gums healthy, there’s no question about cooked bones. Their hard surface can cause chipped teeth, and even worse, the splintering can cause a rupture in the digestive system.
4. High Fat, High-Calorie Snacks: Be sure to watch the calorie count on dental chews. The benefit you receive from improved oral health can easily be offset by an increase in calories, which can lead to obesity.
5. Dental Chews Containing Grain, Gluten, or other Allergenic Ingredients: When reviewing the list of ingredients on a dental chew product, it can be easy to be overwhelmed by a massive list of ingredients. In our opinion, the fewer ingredients the better.
Our research on dog dental health leads us to spend over a year developing our line of Full Of Nutrition with Cranberry, MVI, Taurine, Rawhide-Free, Low-Calorie Teething Chews.
Ideal for teething puppies and senior dogs since it's easy to digest. Senior dogs prefer health over taste and the premium ingredients provide them both. The multivitamins & collagen help to fill nutritional gaps and may improve skin health, relieve joint pain, prevent bone loss, and boost muscle mass for senior dogs.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified healthcare professional.